
Address of firm "Dobrobud" (Romashka).Map.Contacts

Address: Ukraine, 82100, Lviv region, city Drohobych, streets Kozlowski, 2


Enterprise "Dobrobud" (TM Romashka ©) is located 100 km from Lviv. Nearby cities: Truskavets resort, Borislav, Stebnyk. These cities bordering on Drohobych.


To get to Drohobych be electric trains from station Lvov (from the local train station), shuttle bus Lviv-Drohobych.


In Drohobych company located near downtown in the following objects: School number 2, Traffic police department, hotel "Lemon". Drive through the streets Truskavetska from the center to turn on the street Kozlovsky, or on the street Viytivska Gora to turn on the street  Kozlovsky.


Tel. +3803244-38671

Fax. +3803244-31982

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  

Last Updated (Friday, 27 June 2014 09:02)

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